Merton Dementia Hub

We offer Young Artists the opportunity to share their skills and inspire others through specially tailored music projects in schools and the local community.

17 November 2022 at 1:15 pm
Merton Dementia Hub
67 Whitford Gardens
Mitcham CR4 4AA

Katy Thomson, soprano
Rustam Khanmurzin, piano

Working closely with local London music hubs to deliver projects, The Musicians’ Company makes over 80 visits to 13 primary and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) schools and each year, delivered free of charge. Around 800 pupils each year are a part of one of the music projects. The Company also works in Merton Dementia Hub and the Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, using music as a therapeutic tool for the service users.

For more information about the Outreach, please follow the link: The Musicians’ Company | About Our Work (